Friday, April 16, 2010

My Weekly Spending - $38.91

Aldi - $10.34 Since it was a slow week at Kroger I decided I'd go to Aldi to get a few items. I have a few baking staples I like to pick up there so generally I usually only go to Aldi every other month.
Rite Aid - $8.40 / K-Mart - $2.71 - I bought 3 packages of Huggies at Rite Aid and I had a raincheck for it. I bought the other package of Huggies at K-Mart along with a travel size Axe body wash. I had a $5 catalina coupon I received during K-Mart doubles that I used to buy the Huggies along with a $3 manufacturer coupon. :) The Axe body wash a K-Ching Reward I won during K-Mart doubles.
Target - $1.39 / CVS - $1.60 The light bulbs and wipes I bought a Target. The light bulbs were free after coupons and the wipes were $1.16 after coupon. The contact solution and shampoo I bought at CVS. I had a raincheck for the contact solution and both items were free after ECBs and it ended up being a $3.50 moneymaker after coupons.
Meijer - $7.61 I split this into 2 transactions so I could use the $4 catalina from the Pillsbury Biscuits. I had a coupon for a free gallon of milk and also used my Nabisco coupon for a free package of cookies wyb cookies and milk. The Ronzoni Pasta was on sale for $1 and I had some $1/1 coupons from All You and Parents. As if I need more pasta! :) I will be giving it to my sis who's getting married in a month.

Dales Cardinal - $6.00 (No picture) I bought 8 packages of Kraft Cheese.

My Spending This Week:
Total Spent - $38.91
Total Saved w/Coupons - $75.91
Total Saved w/Sales - $14
Total Savings - $89.91

I was challenging myself to only spend half of my grocery money this week so I could use the rest to buy flowers for my flowerbeds. At first I thought it was going to be easy since Kroger didn't have anything on sale I wanted/needed but it ended up being harder than what I thought. I did manage to have $20 left so I'm excited about that even though I didn't meet my goal. $20 will be plenty for flowers as I don't have many flowerbeds.

How was your spending this week? Were you able to stay on budget?


  1. Do you like Aldi's shortening???? I've never used it. I heard it doesn't work in some recipes.

    Did you get your free Stride gum?? Interesting flavor. :) :)

  2. Well, so far the only thing I've used Aldi's shortening for is for frosting and it's okay for that. I only have 1 or 2 cookie recipes that take shortening so I haven't tried it yet.

    Yep I got the Stride Gum. It's okay but the flavor doesn't last long, like most fruit flavored gum. I think it could taste like the zebra gum.

  3. Where do you buy your flowers? I have gone to Country Colors but they are so expensive! The one thing I like there though is you can buy a flat and mix and match the flowers.

  4. Grace......I get my flats of flowers at a little Amish greenhouse out towards New Castle on 229. You can mix and match a flat....but she doesn't have a huge selection. Just the usual ones like petunias, geraniums, impatiens, marigolds, etc. I can't remember what the price was last year, but it was the cheapest I could find. But, you need to buy them by mid-May, because she sells out fast.

  5. Ditto what Monica said. Do you know where the scratch and dent store is out that way? The greenhouse is right before there. I think a flat of flowers is around $8.99 - $9.99. I am cutting back this year on the number of flowers I'm planting in order to try to save a little.

  6. Great job Michelle. :)
    About Aldi: I have heard people say their flour is no good and other things. I have never noticed a difference in any of their baking supplies. I am pretty sure I have used their shortening.
    I think I will buy a few vegetable plants this year, but probably no flowers.
    Spending for this week:
    $28.51 For groceries and household
    $3.52 at Dollar Tree for butterfly nets, and ear phones for my computer (So I don't drive John crazy listening to Colin) :)
    - I know I used $3 last week and went to Taco Bell with the kids this week (this is starting to be a bad habit.) :(
    But even with overspending a bit last week, buying non-essentials at DT, and stopping at Taco Bell, I still have $2 left! :)
    Is there an easy way to calculate percentages for the week, (in the spreadsheet) or do you figure it all out manually?
    By the way, Dollar Tree has the cutest headbands! I think they are decent quality, and look like they will hold up well.

  7. I'll have to check out the headbands at Dollar Tree! Good job on the spending! You're always an inspiration to me to spend only what I have to! I kinda started a habit at stopping at Burger King or McDonalds and getting a milkshake for J and I to share. It's kinda of an incentive for him to be good.

    I haven't figured out a way to calculate percentages for the week other than doing it manually.

  8. Ok, then manually it is: :)
    I guess it's good for the brain, right? :)
    $81.44 before coupons
    Saved with sales:$22.95 (Don't know what cheese is normally at Dale's so that doesn't figure in here)
    Saved with coupons $26.47
    Coupons used: 16 (That's quite a change from last week's...115??!)
    Total spent $37.83 (Including DT, etc...)

    I should show you the headbands so you can decide if it's worth going in. :)

  9. Oops, forgot to savings $49.42.
    Not as impressive of yours. :)
    Our difference is $1.08, but you got more stuff for about the same money. Way to go!

  10. I used 32 coupons this week. Less than half of what I used last week. :) I'm trying to decide if I like putting in my total before sales on the spreadsheet. I would really like to see a savings percentage of coupons only because who really buys stuff when it's not on sale? I think next year I may do it differently.

  11. Yeah I know what you mean. I have been thinking about it too. It's fun to see the pre-sale total because I like to make fun of people who actually pay that. :) But it's not what I would EVER pay. So the savings are inflated. The bottom line is what we were spending versus what we are spending now. I think next year I will put in the sale price as the starting price and not fill in the other line. Becasue that's what will tell me how much I am saving by couponing. I know it's still a HUGE amount, and totally worth it. :)
