Thursday, April 15, 2010

Free Pair of No Nonsense Socks *10pm Tonight*!

Have you've been able to snag a pair of No Nonsense socks yet? I haven't been able to. Two evenings ago I tried right at 10 pm when the giveaway began and by the time I had my mailing information filled out they were all gone. Since the free socks go so fast, the next 3 evenings at 10 pm (EST) No Nonsense will be giving away 600 pairs instead of 100 pairs! Hopefully this will improve our chances at snagging a pair! Right now you can go to the No Nosense Facebook page and become a fan so you'll be already to go at 10 pm. Once it's 10:00 click on the "Be No Nonsense" tab and click on the picture like the one above. Then it will bring up a page to fill out your mailing information! Good Luck and let me know if you're able to snag a pair!


  1. Oooooo I love the excitement! Remember the Old Navy coupon days of $75/100!!??
    I will be there at 10! I really do need socks!
    Just hope they don't send me something ugly like orange with pink polka dots! :)
    Now I need to put the kids to bed so I can get back in time. :)

  2. Can't get the page to load!! GRRR!

  3. Congratulations! You are one of our first 600 fans for the day! We want to thank you for signing up by sending you a FREE pair of our No nonsense Women’s Soft & Breathable Socks. Please allow 6-10 weeks for delivery.
    I am so happy! Free socks! Please send white! No Polka dots!

  4. I managed to get a pair! Took forever for the page to load, though.

  5. Michelle where are you? Did you get your socks?
    John wanted me to look at something on e-bay and I said, "Go away I am trying to get free socks!" LOL He said "Ha, sounds like the Old navy thing!" :)

  6. Rachal, you are too funny! Poor John!! I booted Jeremy off the computer about 5 mintues before 10. I told him I gotta get my free socks! I was able to get a free pair but the page didn't load for me right away.

    Twila, I'm glad you were able to get a pair! So much fun to get stuff like this in the mail!

  7. BTW Rachal, did you read somewhere that they may be polka dot?

  8. Do you use Robo form? It makes signing up for freebies so easy. It took me 5 seconds to get my info filled out in the No Nonsense form.

  9. No...just remembering the Free yarn deal. Didn't you get some hideous color yarn from the facebook freebie? :)

  10. I use Autofill throught the google toolbar but it doesn't always work on every web page and of course it didn't work with the No Nonsense page.

    Ha, Ha yep my yarn is kinda of a different color. I'm hoping we'll get white socks since that's what the picture shows! :)

  11. Did you read on Facebook that the 600 pairs were gone in 7 minutes??? Isn't it cool that we all managed to get a pair?? :) :)

  12. Yep, I read that. Wow! I had thought maybe 15 minutes. I'm glad I have mine now and I don't have to keep trying!

  13. Oh good Monica! So glad you got socks too! :) The page took foreeeever to load and I was sure they would be gone or the site would crash!

  14. Ha, ha, so funny! We all got a pair. We have the google toolbar, but I don't see auto fill. And what is robo form. I get tired of putting all my info in every time.

  15. Robofill is something you add to the tool bar and then click on it when you want to request a freebie, etc... it takes seconds. :)

  16. Hey I left a comment....where did it go? :)

  17. If you right click on the toolbar do have the option to add autofill? Mine is beside the translate option in my toolbar.

    If you google Roboform you can find the website you need to download it to your computer.

    I see your comment Rachal. I'm not sure why people are having trouble with their comments showing.
