Monday, December 14, 2009

CVS: A look ahead

I just wanted to give you the heads up on a great sale next week at CVS.

Nivea Bodywash - $5.99, Earn 5 ECBs (Limit 1)
Use $2/1 printable
Final Price - FREE + $1 overage after coupon and ECBs!!!

Print your coupon now while it's still available!

Thanks, For the Mommas!


  1. Do you know what the limit is on this?

  2. that makes me sad. we are leaving on saturday for 2-1/2 weeks so i think i'll have to not look at all the good deals for next week. that way i won't know what i'm missing. :) heather

  3. Rachal-
    No I don't know what the limit is. Sure would be awesome if it would be 2!

    Well, maybe when your traveling you'll have to stop at a CVS! Did you know that at most CVS stores you can get the next weeks sale items Saturday evening? I've done it several times already. Once the sale signs are up they have to give it to you at that price.

  4. Rachal -
    It appears like it's a limit of 1.

  5. Heather-
    I just realized that if you're leaving on Saturday then you won't be at church on Sunday. As of now Jeremy and I will be at your church on Sunday and I was hoping to be able to talk to you!!! I'll just have to talk to ya someother time.

  6. I am so looking forward to getting this one!
