Sunday, March 7, 2010

FREE Sample of Lipton Green Tea!

I know I have some readers that are tea drinkers so I thought I better post this today while it's still available. Go here to request a FREE sample pack of Lipton Green Tea. This sample includes 4 tea bags and you'll even be able to choose which flavor you want.

Thanks, Hip 2 Save!


  1. what a treat! i just happened to check your blog today and this offer was on it. ;) marla

  2. I had you in mind when I posted it. :) I knew you'd be off work today and would probably see it. Glad you saw it!

  3. Thanks! We drink a lot of tea!
    Hope your week goes well.... :)
    Can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I stepped in a Kroger store! I am ready to go back to my favorite store!!

  4. Wow, 2 weeks? That's probably a record? :) I was just there this morning. Didn't buy much, kinda of a blah week. But that's fine because next week is the Mega sale!!!!!!!!!!!
