Friday, January 15, 2010

Pssst...from General Mills: Are you a Member?

I just wanted to let you know about a program from General Mills called " Pssst". For being a member of Pssst you'll be the first to know about new products from General Mills. You'll also, occasionally, receive high value coupons in the mail. I just received 9 coupons for $1.25/1 Yoplait Smoothie and 1 coupon for a FREE Yoplait Smoothie. From time to time I receive e-mails from them letting me know about new printable coupons that are available. I would definitely recommend signing up. It's a great way to build up your coupon stash and to be able to share your coupons with others. Go here to sign up.

Are you a member of Pssst? What money saving coupons have you received from the since signing up?


  1. Yea I can't wait to try the smoothies! I hope we get a good sale to use the coupons on. :)

  2. I had been eyeing those smoothies for awhile already, just wishing for a good deal!!! :)
