Friday, January 29, 2010

My Spending This Week- $60.41

I haven't done a weekly spending post in quite a while. To bring you up to speed my weekly spending budget for groceries and paper products is $60. My reason for sharing this with you is to encourage you in using coupons and so you can see it is possible to save money when you pair coupons with an in store sale.
::Kroger - $28.94 Kroger was alot of fun this week! Lots of good deals!
::Wal-Mart - $8.40 Just several odds and ends I picked up when I was there buying some birthday gifts.
::CVS - $.07 I bought a light bulb that I had a rain check for and also 2 drinks.
::I also bought a box of organic oranges from my husband's aunt & uncle for $23. That box of oranges will probably last us a month and a half.
::I was pretty happy that I only went over my budget by $.41 considering that I bought a box of fruit.
::January 2010 Savings
Total before Coupons & Store Discounts - $417.23
Total after Coupons - $206.43
Savings of 50.52%
::If you haven't already, I recommend downloading this Savings Tracker. It's an excellent way to track your savings!
::A question for my readers: Would you like me to continue posting my weekly spending? Is it helpful to you?


  1. Yes Yes Yes!!!!! Please keep doing these weekly updates!
    I am excited to go look at my spreadsheet and see how much I saved!!!!
    Question: Do you put all spending in excel or just groceries and household? Like clothing and gifts? I wish I could put stuff in seperate categories.

  2. Yeah .41 cents is nothing really. :) It's all that tax! Way to go on the fresh fruit! It's nice to have healthy snacks on hand!

  3. I always enjoy seeing what other people have been spending. I can't do a true comparison with what you purchase because my closest Kroger is an hour and a half from here. It still challenges me and inspires me when I see others good deals. I'm sure it's time consuming to take pictures, etc. I say whatever works best in your schedule.... :)

  4. btw-that last comment was me - heather :)

  5. Rachal,
    So far I've only been putting my grocery spending in the excel spreadsheet. I'd like to track my other spending as well but I don't want it on the same spreadsheet. I wish there'd be different tabs for different category's, gifts, gas, clothes, etc.
    Thanks for your input on whether you want me to continue doing these posts!

  6. Heather,
    Hey thanks for leaving me a comment and letting me know you find the weekly spending posts helpful and encouraging!

  7. I love seeing weekly spending posts. Its gives the motivation to keep on top of my budget. :)

  8. Yeah.. I'd agree with all that's been said so far. It helps me stay on my toes and see how I'm doing.

  9. I like the pictures!!!... thanks for the extra work.
