Friday, September 11, 2009

FREE Samples

Today in the mail I received the Honey Nut Cheerios & Total Blueberry Pomegrante Samples. Both came with coupons! I've decided to round up a list of all the cereal & granola bar samples available for my new readers or in case you missed some of them. You may wonder why bother requesting samples. When I first started couponing I was a bit slow to request samples because I thought it wasn't worth your time. Well I soon found out that often samples come with coupons. I also discovered something on my google toolbar called "autofill". I simply went in that application and filled out my mailing information. Now when I request a sample all I have to do is click on "autofill" and all my information is filled out on the request form. Lastly, another reason to request samples is it's always exciting to go get the mail. I used to never get very excited about getting the mail because it would always be bills or junk mail. Now you'll never know what you'll discover in your mailbox. Often, if you're like me, you forget that you even requested a certain sample until it comes in the mail. I'm sure my mailman thinks I've gone off the "deep end" but who really cares? I'm lovin' all these FREE food samples!


  1. So how do you "do" autofill? I feel sorry for my mailman too...he has to carry all the mail in his bag, for several blocks...all those free samples. He probably groans when he gets to my street! ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Rachal, did you figure out "autofill"? Autofill is an option available through the google toolbar. So you'll have to install it if you don't have it. Your comment about your mailman gave me a chuckle! :-)

  4. Most of the time my autofill says that it won't work on this page. Is there something else I should do so that it does? Valerie

  5. I found out that if I click on it too soon when the page isn't done loading it will say that. Then once the page is loaded I can usually get it to work. But once in awhile I do come across some forms that it won't fill in.
