Last evening my husband and I had the opportunity to attend New Horizons Ministries Banquet. I was expecting that we'd eat dinner, give them some money and be on our merry way. Instead I was really touched by the ministry they're doing. I sat there thinking "I wish I could be a nanny for a little baby and teach the little one about Jesus but I can't because I have my own two children." In that moment God spoke to me by reminding me that he blessed me with 2 children and it's my duty to teach them about him. Children are only little once and I don't want to miss the opportunity that God has given me.
So in conclusion, this will be my last blog post. I want to start focusing more of my time and energy on my children. With summer coming up things always tend to get a little busy. I'm also expecting our third child and am due late September. So I course want to spend time this summer canning and freezing as much as possible to make my load lighter for next summer. I also need to prepare myself to start homeschooling my oldest this fall. That alone will be a huge challenge to me and something I never expected I'd have to do.
I started this blog in the summer of 2009 because I wanted to let my friends and family know that it's possible to be able to get toothpaste, shampoo, razors and grocery items for pennies and sometimes free! I've accomplished what I wanted to so I feel good about quitting. I will, of course, still be couponing! I don't know that I'll ever be able to quit that! It makes me sad to think that when I find a good deal at Kroger or elsewhere that I won't be able to share it with you. Maybe I'll have to give a shout out on Facebook once in awhile. :) If you ever have any questions please feel free to e-mail me. I don't mind at all.
I will leave you with some links to my favorite blogs.
The 3 blogs I check daily are:
Hip 2 Save (she is all around the best blogger, if there's a deal she'll have it posted)
Money Saving Mom (I like her blog because she's a Christian, has 3 small children and is in the same stage of life as myself.)
For the Mommas (If you shop Rite Aid you will want to follow her blog. She'll post unadvertised deals she finds there. She also always lets you know what coupons to expect in Sunday's paper.)
If you're wanting Kroger deals I recommend checking Stockpiling Moms or Stretching A Buck. It's also a good idea to occasionally check the Kroger section on A Full Cup. There you can find out about the most recent catalinas and discover unadvertised deals.
Thanks for reading my blog! I will miss you guys very much!